Faites que le rêve dévore votre vie, afin que la vie ne dévore votre rêve … (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

35 kilos d'espoir

Title: 35 kilos d'espoir
Author: Anna Gavalda
Publisher: Bayard Jeunesse (2002)
Language: French
96 pages

The first novel I read from Anna Gavalda.  It's the touching story of Grégoire, a 13 year old boy who is not doing very well in school but this does not mean he is stupid or that he does not have any talent.

He is struggling but gets some help from his grand-father Léon until he fails so miserably at school that even his grand-father seems to have lost faith in him, or so he thinks.

This short novel is a page turner that I could not put down.   What I really like about Grégoire's story is the compassionate tone of the narrator.  I was expecting a lot of hardships for the young boy but he was surrounded by people who cared, people who loved him.

The author was very successful in making me root for her main character.  I despaired, and laughed, and cried along with little Grégoire.  That's quite a feat, considering the fact that she only had 96 pages to make it happen.

Gavalda's story filled me with so much hope and happiness.  I wished there were more novels like this one!

I did not read the English translation but I know it is entitled 95 Pounds of Hope (translator: Gill Rosner) and there is also a Spanish version 95 Libras de Esperanza (translator: Isabel Gonzalez-Gallarza).

Good read!


  1. Ce livre a l'air vraiment bien! Je me souviens qu'on en a déjà parlé (avec Blandine aussi) et on avait fait un détour par le film "ensemble, c'est tout!".
    Merci pour ce nouveau billet!

  2. Salut Saki ! on m'a bcp parlé de ce livre surtout en bien mais je n'ai jamais trouvé le temps pr le lire . grâce à ton analyse je pense que je le lirai car il a l'air très bien :)

  3. Permet moi de te dire que tu fais de très bonnes analyses des livres que tu lis car tu donnes envie à tes lecteurs de faire ces lectures ! c'est vraiment un don et je t'en félicite !
